Saturday, July 14, 2012


I envy Jay Chou. He's decided to marry a super hot 19 year old model, also 14 years younger than himself. He's been dating her for a while. And he's gonna marry her just because he can. Or maybe there's various reasons. Trust me, the Hannah Quinlivian girl is FREAKIN HOT. Well, congratulations to him and wish them all the best. I want to go karaoke. Its sad that I hardly have any friends free or can afford to go with me without burning their pockets. I miss singing Jay Chou songs, and singing duets with my poly classmate. I think singing with her was one of the best times I've ever had in karaoke. Too bad I don't fluent myself in mandarin or things would've been entirely different from now. I just realised i have a favourite singing partner. ahaha okayy i like that. There's a person I'd like to forget. Yea its the same girl. Just being in the mrt station of where she lives make me hypersensitive. I cant help but look around hoping she's somewhere near me. I'm not like Jay, I'm not the one who goes for those models and marries them. Guess I've got alot to learn from the master. Sleepy. Ciaossu

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