Tuesday, March 31, 2009


ok so i think soup operas are a waste of time.
did i even spell "soap" properly!?

ok. what if i were to pick a card to describe me out of a 52 poker card deck.
i would pick the jack of clubs. why? i dunno. cos he's some sort of a prince?
me the prince. doesnt sound too bad.
then i shall pick you as me, the prince's wife. WOO!
then you shall be a princess.
why am the jack of clubs? no idea.
i believe im smtg more than numbers.
and it is said that the shapes go in order like this.

weakest strongest
diamonds - clubs - hearts - spades

clubs are like the third strongest.
or the second weakest.
depending on how you look at it.
so i believe clubs are very underestimated.
okok fine i have not much of a hidden talent in me.

how wud i describe this?
im a prince of a humble country that posess potential growth.

come my princess, let us make our leave.

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